Autism Guernsey is very excited to offer our Sleep programme for parents/carers of un/diagnosed autistic children. It will be delivered by two experienced facilitators, Julia Watts (Learning Disability Nurse) and Maryke Hauptfleisch (Occupational Therapist).
The aim of the program is to share with you evidence-based information and strategies to help you support your child’s sleep.
The programme consists of three sessions over a four-week period. Participants gain most from attending all the sessions. You will be required to complete a one-week sleep diary for your child before the course commence. The third week you will again complete a one-week sleep diary and there will be no session to attend.
Venue: Sessions will be held at Autism Guernsey.
When: Mondays 18.00–20.00
Dates: February 10th, 17th, and 3rd March 2025*
Cost: No charges, however, Autism Guernsey is a charity, and we would appreciate any donations towards the running of the training sessions and materials.
Coffee and tea will be available.
*The week of the 24th February (half term) families are to use for implementing and noting a sleep diary.
The program can only be delivered to a limited number of families at any one time, so please confirm whether you would like to reserve a place(s) by the 1st February 2025.
If places become full, we will keep your name on a waiting list for a future training program.
To book your place, please email